Sunday, February 4, 2007


Everyone know smoking is a bad act.There are wording that it is written on the cigarette's boxes such as "Smoking is injurious to health".The Cigarette is a cause that it makes people who smoke it is dead.So we should prevent the usage of cigarette.There are many elements that it mix in a cigarette such as Nicotine and Tar.They are very harmful to the smoker's health.The people who smoke cigarette are get addicted with Nicotine.The Nicotine and Tar will also the cause many dis case such as lungs-cancer every times if smoker wants to smoke.He shouldn't smokes in front of children because it would be a bad example for them and so they will also start smoking.The government prevent the children from smoking.Example in the 7 eleven, cigarette are not allow to sold to children who age below 18 years old.If you can give up to smoke cigarette.You will possess much money that you can use it to feed your children.It will make every people in your family feel happy.Your children and your wife will be healthy.It isn't only their body that it will be good but their mind will be good too.So you should stop smoking now.So in the past I used to smoke cigarette.So my friend tell me about stink of my body odour and mouth odour because T smoked cigarette.So I never know about stink from to smoke cigarette.I smoked cigarette 5 month, I is a weak health.I decided give up to smoke cigarette immediately for my good health.

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